Vision, Purpose and Values

Child and Family Alliance WA (CAFAWA) was formed by the amalgamation of the Alliance for Children at Risk (Alliance) and Child Youth and Family Agencies Association (CYFAA) in July 2020.

In the last few years the Alliance and CYFAA, and more recently CAFAWA, have actively been working with the Department of Communities (Child Protection and Family Support)  on the Out of Home Care Reform agenda.

CAFAWA’s aim is to ensure that any changes to the OOHC system are in the best interests of children and young people, their families and communities.

CAFAWA is currently actively participating in numerous working parties and consultation forums and processes and has provided feedback on a number of consultation papers.

CAFAWA believes that each child and young person has the right to security, nurture, and meaningful relationships with their family and that each family member and family unit however constituted, has the right to support and protection within our society. CAFAWA members are organisations and individuals committed to child wellbeing, early intervention, and the provision of quality out of home care services for children and families in Western Australia.


Lead the advancement of future-focused, evidence-based systems and sector practices that enable children, young people and families to thrive


Unite and share the sector's collective knowledge to create meaningful change for children, young people and families impacted by systemic barriers


We work together

We prioritise inclusion, equality and respect in all our relationships. We listen, share and learn from each other, valuing our diversity.

We are brave

We are creative, courageous and proactive in advocating for and supporting the delivery of better solutions and outcomes.

We are accountable

We are open and transparent in the way we work, led by the voice of our members. We are accountable to our members, the sector and community for our progress and achievements in enabling better practices and systems for children, young people and families.

We commit to partnership and self-determination

We honour the self-determination of Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, children, and families, ensuring that decisions are made in true partnership—’no decision about us, without us.’ With humility, we commit to listening deeply, learning continuously, and supporting the strength and wisdom of Aboriginal communities in shaping their futures.


We work in an honest, transparent and accountable manner that is representative of our membership.


We strive for open, respectful relationships where there are opportunities to learn from each other and diversity of voices is encouraged.


We are creative, courageous and respectful in finding solutions and advocating for social change.