Child and Family Alliance WA (CAFAWA) was formed by the amalgamation of the Alliance for Children at Risk (Alliance) and Child Youth and Family Agencies Association (CYFAA) in July 2020.
In the last few years the Alliance and CYFAA, and more recently CAFAWA, have actively been working with the Department of Communities (Child Protection and Family Support) on the Out of Home Care Reform agenda.
CAFAWA’s aim is to ensure that any changes to the OOHC system are in the best interests of children and young people, their families and communities.
CAFAWA is currently actively participating in numerous working parties and consultation forums and processes and has provided feedback on a number of consultation papers.
CAFAWA believes that each child and young person has the right to security, nurture, and meaningful relationships with their family and that each family member and family unit however constituted, has the right to support and protection within our society. CAFAWA members are organisations and individuals committed to child wellbeing, early intervention, and the provision of quality out of home care services for children and families in Western Australia.
Strategic Objectives
Lead meaningful change and best practice for the sector
- Clarify and strengthen child and family advocacy priorities, measuring outcomes to maximise social impact
- Lead best practice discussions and deliver support for the sector
- Proactively bring proposals to government
- Inclusion in all key government forums
- Active and visible online presence and brand
- Incorporate and unify the voice of the membership
A well supported and connected sector
- Increase ACCO, regional, early intervention and family support services members
- Establish services and forums aligned to members’ areas of practice
- Regular member communications
- Feedback and engagement shapes member support
- Tailored support and onboarding for new members
- Create opportunities to share resources and training
Purposeful collaborations and partnerships
- Ally with ACCOs to support ACCO-led initiatives for Aboriginal children, young people and families
- Maintain a unified collective ACCO and CSO voice
- Create a compelling evidence base
- Increase connections with organisations that intersect with the families the sector assists
A sustainable, well-governed peak body
- Secure longer-term funding aligned to peak’s independence
- CAFAWA’s role and services are clearly defined and understood
- Strong governance
- CAFAWA’s structure and processes support its diverse membership
- Access to the resources required to deliver on its strategy
Strategic Pillars
- Promoting research and evidence-based practice that underpins good service design and delivery for children, young people and families
- Leading and influencing social policy development
- Building and maintaining strong, collaborative relationships with government, ACCOs, academia, sector peaks and the community
- Leveraging our shared skills, resources and experience to lead innovative system reform
- Listening to and amplifying the voice of those who access community services
- Being the independent voice that advocates for services that strengthen the wellbeing of children, young people, families and communities in WA
- Supporting those with lived experience to speak their truth and influence policy development
- Lobbying for system change that will ensure the best outcomes for children, young people. families and communities
Embracing Culture
- Highlighting the criticality of culture to children, young people, families and community wellbeing
- Being led by and learning from Aboriginal people and their communities
- Ensuring culture is central to policy development, practice and decision making
- Committing to a board that reflects cultural diversity and the community